A large percentage of the women going to plastic surgeons, aesthetic medical practices or dermatologists are in their 40s or 50s. Whether they opt for surgical or non-surgical procedures like laser or injectables or both, they want to look their best and they have some disposable income to do so. 

It would certainly behoove these practitioners to recognize that these same women are in the midst of perimenopause and menopause. These patients are motivated to invest their time and money in pursuing modalities to help them look and feel good. 

It is an added value service for patients that is also convenient. Many of these patients are going elsewhere for BHRT or trying to find a BHRT provider. Therefore, offering BHRT is a great way to keep the patients in the practice. On the other hand, patients coming initially for BHRT offer a prime cross-selling opportunity for other services and procedures. 

Providers Share Their Support

In their article, “How Age Management Fits Into an Aesthetic Practice,”plastic surgeon Jason N. Pozner, MD and cosmetic surgeon David J. Goldberg, MD support offering the anti-aging BHRT component. They comment, 

“How do these approaches fit into a plastic surgery or dermatology practice? The patients are the same–they are motivated to look good and feel good. Our goal, according to our aesthetic training, is to make patients look good from the outside in. The nonsurgical aspect of their care makes them look good and, more importantly, feel good from the inside out.”

Kevin Light, DO, MBA, a cosmetic surgeon and age management specialist in Dallas, Texas, presented “Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and the Cosmetic Surgery Practice” at the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery’s (AACS’s) 2017 annual scientific meeting in San Diego, California.  He stated,

“Cosmetic surgery and hormone replacement address the same issue from different vantage points. As such, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, or BHRT, is a powerful tool that should be incorporated into all successful cosmetic practices”. 

Implementation is Straightforward and Profitable

From a business standpoint, it is not that complicated to implement BHRT.  Since plastic surgeons or dermatologists are best spent performing plastic surgical or dermatological services, many practices add a dedicated physician, PA or NP to see BHRT patients.  Additional overhead cost is very low–an office, part time use of an examination room and office. Another option is to lease office space to a BHRT provider which also can nurture a mutually beneficial relationship for patients and each of the practitioners. 

Dr. Light, also author of the book OutSmart Aging, speaks to the financial aspect and opportunity of adding BHRT,   

 “From a business perspective, bioidentical hormone therapy is a $15 billion business and  trending positively. Patients are aware of it and are demanding it. Several early adopter plastic and cosmetic surgeons around the country already offer it.  BHRT… is a powerful adjunct to age management and enhances patient ‘stickiness’ for the cosmetic surgery practice. The business model is easy and can be delegated to others. It presents incredible cross-sell opportunities.” “BHRT is a hot trend. Just look at the popularity of low-T centers, the published science, public awareness and demand have escalated significantly, and the time is ripe to enter this market. More doctors are taking advantage of this opportunity to add another powerful tool to their quest of helping their patients look and feel fabulous — to out-smart aging.”

Since typically BHRT is a fee for service modality, patients get to enjoy the serene, pampered experience they get from a plastic or aesthetic practice that they should also expect from a BHRT visit. 

With these concepts in mind there are vast opportunities for these practices to bring in trained BHRT providers.  The same thing goes for BHRT practitioners that are looking for a location to build their clientele. It is truly a beneficial relationship for the practice, the providers as well as the patients. 

Articles Cited

QMP’s Plastic Surgery Pulse News V3 N2. St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing, 2009
