Yes, that does say billion in the title of this article. According to Bank of America, the field of anti-aging, longevity, and regenerative medicine is set to exceed more than $610 billion by 2025 from its current estimated $110 billion. That’s just in the US. Globally, the market size has reached $17 trillion and is expected to grow to $27 trillion by 2026. “The Longevity Industry will be the Biggest and Most Complex Industry in Human History”, according to the Aging Analytics Agency. These are mind boggling figures especially since this field is still in its infancy.
What is Anti-aging Medicine?
Obviously, there is a demand despite the fact that many people do not truly understand what anti-aging medicine is. We clearly understand that we cannot stop the aging process. We can however, utilize “preventive” medical strategies to help slow or offset diseases commonly associated with aging. Here is how Ronald Klatz MD, DO, founder and President of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine defines anti-aging medicine:
“Anti-aging is the new specialty of medicine that focuses on the early detection, prevention, treatment, and or reversal of aging related disease, it is the basis of regenerative medicine and rejuvenative medicine and functional medicine.” “Anti-aging is focused on improving physiological function to more useful levels and ultimately to achieve an optimum, ageless metabolism for the individual in the hopes of achieving maximum lifespan.”
Is There Any Data?
Whether this growing modality is referred to as anti-aging medicine, functional medicine, regenerative, integrative or complementary medicine support is growing beyond the public demand. Data is surfacing to substantiate its use as well. A Cleveland Clinic study published October 25, 2019 in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open, stated, “functional medicine models are associated with improvements in health-related quality of life.”
How does BHRT Fit in the Anti-Aging Model?
The evaluation of hormones and replacement (ideally with bio-identical hormones) is one of the key components of anti-aging medicine. Many experts contend that as hormones decline, diseases associated with aging increase, postulating that reduced hormone levels are part of the cause. Hormone deficiencies are associated with cardiovascular disease, loss of insulin sensitivity, bone loss, neurodegenerative disorders, and all-cause mortality. We know from published trials that HRT or ERT demonstrate:
- Reduction of all-cause mortality
- Reduction in Alzheimer’s Disease
- Prevention of CAD via numerous mechanisms
- Reduces cardiovascular morbidity
- Reduce risk of MI
- Prevention of colon CA
- Prevention of Osteoporosis
- Prevention of Age-Related Macular Degeneration
- Reduction of deaths from MI and Breast Cancer
Additionally, hormones have many critical non-reproductive functions that support health, increase longevity and improve quality of life.
The hormone component is only one aspect of antiaging medicine, but it is truly an important one. It can make a tremendous difference in the symptoms your patients are dealing with as well as convey the preventative element so essential to long-term health. So, if you haven’t included BHRT in your repertoire, it is time to give it serious thought.
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